Radius Agent Blog

How to Succeed as a Real Estate Agent: The Ultimate Guide

Written by Team Radius | Jul 25, 2022 3:13:00 PM

Are you thinking about becoming a licensed real estate agent? If so, you're making a great decision! Real estate is a booming industry, and there is always room for more talented agents. However, success as a real estate agent doesn't come easy. It takes hard work, dedication, and plenty of networking. In this article, we will walk you through everything you need to know to succeed as a real estate agent.

How Successful are Real Estate Agents

In order to become a successful real estate agent, you need to understand what it takes to be one. First and foremost, being a successful real estate agent requires a lot of hard work. Agents typically work long hours and, often weekends and holidays. While many try to have set working hours, on some level, they have to be available at odd hours of the day to answer phone calls and emails from clients and other professionals.

What it Means to Be a Successful Real Estate Agent

A successful real estate agent is one who is able to provide their clients with the best possible service. They are knowledgeable about the real estate market and local housing trends, and they use this knowledge to help their clients buy or sell property.

Successful agents are also good communicators, are able to effectively negotiate on behalf of their clients, have a strong network of industry contacts, and understand that in order to grow their business, they have to keep a positive attitude.

Create a Successful Real Estate Career

Focus on Mindset

A successful real estate career requires more than just a knowledge of the industry and a network of contacts. It also requires the right mindset. After all, if you don't believe in your own ability, how can you expect potential clients to put their trust in you?

Not having the right mindset can be a major obstacle to success in this industry. People who are naturally pessimistic tend to see every setback as a sign that they're not cut out for the job. They might give up after their first unsuccessful listing, or they might talk themselves out of doing the hard stuff. As a result, they miss out on opportunities and end up stuck in a career rut.

On the other hand, the most successful real estate agents are those who are able to see the potential in every situation.

When you become a real estate agent, you have to be ready to view challenges as opportunities and view every day as an opportunity to learn and grow. A successful Realtor is likely to take risks when it's time to move their career forward, and they're not afraid of failure. As a result, they're more likely to achieve success over the long term.

If you want to become a real estate agent who succeeds, it is essential that you first develop the right mindset. Only then will you be able to achieve your full potential.

Understand Your Expenses

Becoming successful in the real estate industry requires a lot of hard work and dedication. But it also requires having a handle on your expenses - after all, you don't want all the money you're making to be spent before it's in your bank account.

Because there are a lot of costs associated with being a real estate agent, especially for new agents, if you're not careful with how you spend your money, you could easily find yourself struggling to make ends meet and have a large tax bill waiting for you at the end of the year.

Getting Your Finances in Order

To ensure your expenses are always covered, consider following the profit first method by setting up the following bank accounts:

Income Checking Account

Proceeds from closed transactions should be deposited into your primary income account before being dispersed among your other accounts according to the percentages you've designated for each destination.

Owners Compensation Checking Account (50% of sales)

This account is the money that you use to pay yourself. You can either deposit this percentage into its own account and then give yourself a set salary or deposit the money directly into your household checking account.

Operating Expenses Checking Account (30% of sales)

This account should cover your business expenses, such as your marketing budget, office supplies, continuing education classes, and professional development courses.

Tax (approximately 20% of sales)

This account should be used to fulfill all of your tax and superannuation obligations.

By following the profit first formula, you can help ensure that your real estate business is profitable and sustainable in the long run.  You’ll want review your local and state requirements for income tax as an individual contractor or speak to a own financial advisor regarding how to best prepare for your tax season, as each individuals needs may vary.

Tracking Expenses

In order to make sure you're not overspending, it is important to track all of your expenses. This can be done using a simple spreadsheet or by using accounting software.

Be sure to track both your business and personal expenses, as you will need to account for both your CPA and bookkeeper when it comes time to file your taxes.

You can also use a tracking app like Quickbooks, Mint, or YNAB to help you stay on top of your expenses.

By tracking your expenses, you can ensure that you are always aware of where your money is going and make adjustments to your spending as needed.

Minimize Expenses

In order to maximize your profits, it is important to minimize your expenses. You can minimize expenses by partnering with a contemporary real estate brokerage, so you're not paying unnecessary broker fees, reducing subscriptions, and scaling back on your marketing spend.

By minimizing your expenses, you can ensure that more of the money you're making ends up in your bank account.

Organize Your Business

A successful real estate agent is always organized. That means they keep track of their appointments, daily business tasks, client information, and paperwork in an efficient system. This system can be digital or analog, but it must be effective in order for the agent to succeed.

The best agents are always one step ahead, anticipate their client's needs, and have a backup plan for every eventuality. In short, being organized is the key to success when scaling your real estate career. Real estate agents who are disorganized quickly become overwhelmed and frustrated and ultimately end up quitting the business altogether.

Business Plan

After becoming a licensed Realtor, the first thing you'll need to do if you want to achieve success is create a real estate business plan. By outlining your goals, strategies, and the activities you'll need to engage in to achieve them, a business plan can help keep you on track, provide you with a clear understanding of how many houses you need to sell each year, and hold you accountable as you grow your business.

Marketing Plan

A marketing plan, on the other hand, is a document that details the specific marketing activities that will be used to promote and sell properties. While a business plan is focused on the overall strategy of the business, a marketing plan is focused on the specifics of how that strategy will be implemented.

Both plans are important for any real estate business and should be created before starting operations.

There should be two parts to your real estate marketing plan:

  •         How to generate new leads
  •         How to convert current leads

From there, you'll want to map out the exact steps and tactics you'll use to generate and convert real state leads. This could include online marketing such as paid advertisements, an SEO-optimized website, social media marketing, email marketing, or a variety of other activities, such as open houses and joining networking groups.

By having a clear plan for how you will market your business, you can ensure that you are always generating new leads and making sales.

Lead Router or CRM

A lead router is a tool that helps real estate agents keep track of their leads. It allows agents to see which leads are hot, which ones are cold, and which ones need follow-up. A CRM (customer relationship management) system is a tool that helps agents manage their relationships with their clients. It helps agents keep track of their client's contact information, communication history, and property preferences.

When used together, these tools help agents stay organized and find success by keeping track of their leads and clients by making sure they are following up with the right leads at the right time, and they can make sure they are providing the best possible service to their clients.

Project Management System

While being a real estate agent may seem like a straightforward job, there is actually a lot of work that goes into it. Not only do agents need to be knowledgeable about the properties they are selling, but they also need to be good at communicating with clients, negotiating deals, and keeping track of paperwork. With so many different balls to keep in the air, it's easy for things to start falling through the cracks.

A project management system can help real estate agents stay organized and on top of their workload. By tracking deadlines, coordinating appointments, and managing documents, a project management system can help agents close more deals and find success in their careers.

Get Your Messaging in Order

Starting a business is no small feat, and it's even harder to make it successful. There are a lot of moving pieces that need to come together; that's why successful agents understand the importance of having a clear brand and brand message.

Your branding should be incorporated into all aspects of your real estate business, from the website and social media content to buyer and seller consultations. It should reflect the company's values and mission, and it should be targeted at the company's ideal customer.

In a crowded marketplace, it's more important than ever to have a strong real estate brand that stands out. With a clear brand and brand message, a real estate agent can set themselves up for success.

Build a Team of Trusted Vendors

As a real estate agent, you are not alone when it comes to closing a transaction. There are a lot of people involved in the process of buying and selling a home, from loan officers and inspectors to title companies and closing attorneys. It's important to build a team of trusted vendors that you can rely on to help your clients through the process.

By having a team of vendors you can trust, you can provide your clients with peace of mind knowing that they are in good hands. Not only that, but you can also build a referral network of people who can help you grow your business.

Become a Successful Real Estate Agent

By following these tips, any real estate agent can find success in their small business. From having the right mindset to understanding your financials and getting organized, there are a lot of things you can do to set yourself up for success. The most important thing is to get started and take action.